Sunday 23 March 2014

March 24-28

This week:

AIL sound (Literacy)

Letter writing (Literacy)

Read L’autre Rive (Literacy)

Shapes (Math)

Subtraction (Math)

Continents and oceans (Social Studies)

March 17-21

Chers Maman et Papa Cartes postales du suricate - Emily Gravett
This week:

ILL sound (Literacy)

Letter writing (Literacy)

Chers maman et papa By Emily Gravett (Literacy)

Shapes (Math)

Subtraction (Math)

Continents and oceans (Social Stuides)

St Partick’s day (Social Stuides)

Sunday 2 March 2014

March 3-6

This week

Y sound (Literacy)

Rhyming poems (Literacy)

Time (Math)

Water and Wind (science)

Scientist in the School

Warm and Cold Colors (art)

Feb 24-28

This week

ET sound (Literacy)

Rhyming poems (Literacy)

Encore un but (Literacy)

Problem solving (Math)

Air  (science)

Primary Colors (art)