Friday 25 October 2013

Oct 21-25

This week (Theme: Monsters):

·        Descriptive writing without subtitles (Literacy)

·        The difference between a verb, a noun and an adjective (Literacy)

·         The g sound –G doux (Literacy)

·         Read the book Le gros monster qui aimait trop lire (Literacy)

·         Addition and Subtraction- Doubles (0,1,2,3) (Math)

·        Levers and Wheels (Science)

Friday 18 October 2013

Oct 15-18

This week (Theme: Monsters):

·        Descriptive writing without subtitles (Literacy)

·        The difference between a verb, a noun and an adjective (Literacy)

·         The g sound –G dur (Literacy)

·         Read the book J’ai rendez-vous avec un monstre (Literacy)

·         Addition and Subtraction (0,1,2,3) (Math)

·        Levers (Science)

·         Celebrations- Eid (Social Studies)

Monday 14 October 2013

Oct 7-10

This week:

      Descriptive writing (Literacy)

      Read the book J’ai rendez-vous avec un monstre (Literacy)

      Growing patterns (Math)

      Inclined plane (Science)

      Learned about Thanksgiving (Social Studies)

Friday 4 October 2013

Oct 4

This week :

·         Descriptive writing using paragraphs (literacy)

·         Read the book 10 oiseaux (literacy)

·         Critical thinking – analysing photography (media literacy)

·          Numerical patterns (math)

·         Lines (art)

·         Simple machines (science)